For someone that you love deeply would you be willing to move to a foreign country knowing that there would be little chance of seeing your friends and family again?
If you could spend a year in perfect happiness but afterward remember nothing of the experience, would you do it?
I'm first? :)
Here's MINE
Mine are up now too.
Mine's done.
Great questions. Hope I've done them justice.
Up here.
Mine are up too here
Mine are up. I've been forgetting. Sorry.
Great questions! :-)
Mine is up here!
It's been a busy day. It's almost over but I played!
Long day...but I'm up. Last one till after my move. Enjoy!
I'm (finally) up. What a day! Yawn.
Im v. late for this, so Ill answer them here :)
I did move to another country and left my family and friends to join my hubby :)
For the second one, yes, I would. I will make sure I have pictures and reminders of that year, so I can look back after Ive forgotten about it :)
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