What's your favorite food item that is in your refrigerator right now?
Do you enjoying barbecuing on the grill? What's something that you make often?
What one item (kitchen gadget, appliance, food item) in your kitchen best describes your personality? Why?
Happy Memorial Day!
I'm trying to add everyone that plays to the link in the sidebar. If I've forgotten you please let me know! Take a moment to check out the site of your fellow players.
Up here. Happy Memorial Day to you :)
Mine will be up in a minute or so.
Thanks for the sidebar link.
I'm in your sidebar...and thank you!
I enjoyed your questions today, especially the lat one!
Happy Monday/Memorial Day!
Back again after a little unwanted vacation.
My Manic Monday is Here
Could I be added to the sidebar list?
Mine's up here :)
Thanks for adding me to your sidebar ;) (can you change the spelling, please? Thank you!)
oops the link is here
I played. Happy Memorial Day to everyone!
I'm up. Finally. And I'm way mental today, too. FYI.
And I'm in the sidebar, too. Thanks! :-)
I found this site over the weekend and fell in love. I went ahead and posted my Manic Monday!!!!
I'm up here!
Love that last question. =))
Your meme leader has been a bit slow to answer but I'm finally up.
Hope everyone had a great Monday!
Hi.. Happy Memorial Day :)
Fun meme! My answers are posted over on my blog. I'd be happy to add you to my blogroll, too.
Hope you had a great Memorial Day!
My answers are up, finally!
"The Hubby" read #3 and giggled.
Hope you had a good one! (Memorial Day)
See you next week!
I'm so late to the party, but mine's up. Thanks for adding me!!! :)
These were great questions/ My answers .
I like the new look for the site, too!
Mine are up too :)
Entry here
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