What is your most despised household chore?
Pick out the most important item in your wallet/purse and tell why it's important to you.
What was your first car? What was your favorite car when you were young?
Sorry about missing Manic Monday last week. I was on vacation and without internet access.
I'm glad you survived your trip to my fair state of Alabama. Please don't judge me on any "backward" hicks you may've encountered.
Happy Monday!
My Monday Mania is up.
Merry monday
I sure missed you last week, but I hope you had a restful and enjoyable vacation!
Yea! I missed not having this meme last week. ;_; Here are my manic monday answers. These were definately fun to answer.
Is there anyway I could be added to the player's list? I plan on blogging this meme regularly. ^_^
I'm a newbie but saw this meme on Joana's website and decided to go ahead and give it a try. Here are my answers
My Monday was a bit manic, but my answers are posted now. ;-)
Hope everyone had a great Monday!
I love this idea. I will so be doing this! Thanks for the awesome questions.
Glad to have you back. =))
Mine is up here.
My answers are posted....
I am such the slacker I haven't participated in awhile, but I'm trying to get back on blogging schedule!
Manic monday answers are up :)
My answers are up! It's Tuesday here, but I'm thinking it's still Monday over there... These time differences.. *shakes head*
Jeebers! I used a .com instead of a .net :(
mine's up!
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